Field (Hockey) Day

Every once in a while I get to do something really cool. I get to operate a scoreboard… OK, so when I say it like that it sounds a bit dull and boring, but, this is not a scoreboard with wooden boards with white numbers lovingly painted onto a field of black. This is a massive LED Display that can display pretty much anything and I’m in control. Sure it’s a bit of hard work setting it up or tearing it down at the end of the night but it is soooo worth it. I run a broadcasting program on my… Continue reading

Set for life… Or would be

We got a load of equipment a few days ago. Yesterday another box rolls up. That’s right, a box full of unopened MobileMe subscriptions. Normally something like this would be absolutely fantastic. However in a couple of months MobileMe will be a distant memory as iCloud goes into full swing. The precious activation keys inside these boxes that would have kept my MobileMe subscription going for many, many years are all but useless. But that wasn’t all that we found in this box of goodies, no. A little deeper into the box we found iWork ’08 media kits. For those… Continue reading